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details for abstract submission

attendance details

Presenting delegates


Prospective presenters are invited to submit an extended abstract relating to the topic of the symposium.  If your abstract is accepted, you will be required to present your work in the form of a 20 minute seminar during the symposium. 


The extended abstract should adhere to the conference document template.


Abstracts must be emailed to by 15 July 2015.


There is a R300 registration fee, which must be payed by 31 August 2014 to secure a seat at the symposium.  There are three bursaries available to students whose abstracts have been accepted and would like some financial aid for the cost of getting to the symposium.

Non-presenting delegates


Academic, research and industry representatives are welcome to attend the symposium.  Interaction and knowledge transfer is an essential part of building a knowledge base in this key area of microstructure, texture and formability.  the keynote speakers will be providing a comprehensive overview of well-established characterisation techniques, as well as the presentation of novel state of the art analytical tools for crystallographic texture measurement.  As a non-presenting delegate you would have the opportunity to view the current research and characterisation tools, as presented by the delegates.


If you would like to attend the conference as a non-presenting delegate, you are still required to register for the event.  The registration fee is R300, which must be payed by 31 August 2014 to secure a seat at the symposium.

Be a part of the symposium.


While we would like the primary goal of the symopsium to be the presentation of research by delegates, we would also like to promote interaction, collaboration and knowledge transfer.  With this in mind we encourage delegates to attend the conference whether they are presenting research work or not.  Industry representatives are also welcome.

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